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The poet Shelley once wrote that

“Man is a traveler from the cradle to the grave,” but who is this traveler riding within the changing physical body?”

About The Author

Acharya Charan Das

The Author, Acharya Charan Das, has a rare combination of the divine, the philosopher, and the World Teacher. His mature writings reflect all these three dimensions. He has authored several books on a similar theme. The author clearly explains that the pure understanding of love and mercy is the most direct way for transforming this planet Earth for a life of happiness, and tranquility for all living beings. Acharyaji explains, “One must not associate with wrong examples, the leading cause of ignorance, hate, crime, and arrogance.” The Author is the next great World Teacher to whom several World Leaders are referring, who will appear in Asia, and come to the West with the divine message of world survival and eventually an everlasting happy life, peace, no more wars, no more violence, and no more hate, away from confusion, and deceitful activities. Madame Blavatsky, the leading 19th Century Psychic Seers, prophesied about the (future) next great World Teacher. A new messenger (birth in Asia around 1940) who shall come to the West in the sixties Also, this new messenger of the spirit and light is prophesied by Nostradamus, and by the touch of great Gautam Buddha i.e. Buddh who will generate a renewed higher state of consciousness at the end of 20th Century. Please read this “The Holy Cow Book,” in this light, “The Savior,” Many of his associates had addressed him as ‘Mitriya’, meaning a True Friend of the people. Bhagwan Sri Krishn wants you to serve Him with Mind, Words, and Action by spreading the science of Eternal Cosmic Science; you will be beneficial, here, and hereafter

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The mind is so strong and obstinate that it sometimes overcomes the intelligence, although the mind is supposed to be subservient to the intelligence. For a man in the practical world who has to fight so many opposing elements, it is certainly very difficult to control the mind. Artificially, one may establish a mental equilibrium toward both friend and enemy. But for materialistic people having out of control impetuous sense gratification, it is more difficult than controlling the raging wind. In the Vedic literature it is said. “The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body…(The perfect answer for eternal peace, happiness is explained in the matchless books, “The Holy Cow,” and “The Ultimate Guide for World Peace.”

Important message from the Author:

The Holy Cow book is the road to the liberation of your antimatter (eternal soul) from the cycles of birth, disease, old age, and death back to spiritual heavenly planets. Your entire material accumulation will not be able to match up with the Saraswati (the Mother of pure and perfect Spiritual knowledge) wealth which is disseminated in the book “The Holy Cow.” The understanding of “The Holy Cow,” is your first-class pass to Spiritual Planets if you thoroughly read it patiently, and apply its meaning in your life with an open mind, and courage. You must make sure your loved ones read it. As the entire Mango tree is in its seed, similarly this small book contains the essence of the entire Cosmic Principles of Dharm, Bhagavad-Gita’s message for easy and clear understanding for everybody. Also, this book is the answer to coronavirus and any future calamity. Bhagwan Sri Krishn Ji has very well advised His pious devotees “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me with the understanding, do not fear, I will protect you from all calamities, and deliver you from the sinful reaction.” Bhagwan Sri Krishn Ji has stated, “Those devotees spreading My message, are the dearest to Me.” Please read inside the pure science of Body, Mind, and Soul to pull out from today’s period of hypocrisy.”

The poet Shelly once wrote that “Man is a traveler from the cradle to the grave,” but who is the traveler riding within the changing physical body?”

Bhagwan Krishn Ji stated, “At the time of death, the consciousness created by the living beings will carry him to his next body as the air carries aroma.” .. Bhagavad-Gita  15:08

Our Book

About The Book

“The Ultimate Guide for World Peace offers the solution for the prosperity and benefit of all life on the planet Earth with a deep understanding between the self, consciousness, body.”

Seers and thinkers have been asking about the well-being of its survival and the future stability of the world concerning all.

The book warns of the danger and pitfalls, which must be avoided by all means to achieve eternal happiness.

To that end, Ted Turner (of Turner Broadcasting, Atlanta, USA) sponsored a book contest in the year 1990, on the theme of survival and prosperity of all life on the earth planet. This book has tried to solve this complex and eternal question.

The book discusses the negative effects of wrong activities, which are disastrous and dismal, for the stability of all life. The book The Ultimate Guide for One World Peace provides solutions for the safeguard from the dismal fate of all living entities. This book asks us to pay attention to this serious problem. For the thinker, this book offers the solution for the benefit and prosperity of all life.

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Why do we call Holy Cow?

Answer: Under the universal Laws of nature, holy cows provide milk to our world’s newborn infants. Milk is the first foremost, one diet, and one diet, alone for the survival of infants throughout the world.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein speaks:

“And have you witnessed in the history that is known to you that some children die because of the premeditated decision to deprive them of milk?” ….. Houston Post, September 06, 1990

His country’s milk supply was cut off by the Allied Forces that had surrounded Iraq.

Saddam Hussein had realized that milk was the only diet for newborn infants.

Where does the milk supply come from?

→ It is a simple common sense to understand that if there are no cows, there is no milk.

→ About a million children died in Iraq, who were born to muslim parents, in the absence of milk.

→ Why is one diet for infants under the laws of Nature?

  • Answer: Infants do not have teeth to chew food.

→ Also, children have not built the mouth muscles.

→ An infant drinks milk by sucking out, drop by drop, from a bottle.

→ This nature’s God OM, who is Bhagwan Krishn, has the same system for all infants, regardless of whether they are born to rich parents or poor.

→ If you watch carefully, each drop of milk helps him to build his muscle with a milk diet alone.

→ Human mama is a birth giving mother, , while those who understand the principles of Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God OM (AUM), call a cow, life sustaining “holy cow.”

→ Also holy cow’s milk give us unlimited by-products, such as Butter, Ghee, Cheese, Paneer, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Milkshakes, Icecreams, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Rosaagula, Gulab Jaman, Ras-Malai, Kaju Ki Barfi, Kalakand, Milai, Rabri, under the very arrangements of Nature’s God Sri OM.

What Our Customer Says

Pythagoras warned that humans must not take everything for granted:

Pythagoras who had studied at Takshila University, also known for the Pythagorean Theorem, and the greatest Philosopher of Greece taught the message of Bhagavad-Gita over 2,500 years ago.

Also, he had established many Philosophical Schools one in Carnata, Rome, stated with great emphasis, over 2,500 years ago: “Those who kill animals for food will be more prone than vegetarians to torture and kill fellow men.”

  1. Criminal violence;
  2. Catastrophic wars;
  3. Famine;
  4. Population explosion.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has
been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the lorem.